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M: Where is this ship heading?

Y: I don’t know.

M: Maybe we should just wait and see where it’s going.

Y: Maybe we should go back to the harbour and recheck the precise location.

M: Is it possible? We are so far from the shore.

Y:  It’s impossible. I don’t even know which direction we should go. Do you?

M: I don’t know either. I miss the smell of the beach and the buzzing crowd. I miss the shore.

     (Long pause)

     Maybe I shouldn’t ask you this.

Y: Maybe. But maybe not.


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Terima Kasih daun keladi kepada saudari Ika/Jane kerana sekali lagi menge’tag’ saya. Kali ini syaratnya pelik kerana diwajiiiiibkan untuk berbahasa Melayu/Malaysia dalam menulis entri ini. Mungkin ini salahsatu usaha murni Ika dalam memartabatkan bahasa Melayu dalam dunia per’blog’an.

7 Perkara Tentang saya.

  •  Saya tiada lessen memandu kereta.

  •  Saya tidak boleh hidup tanpa lagu.

  •  Saya meminati keseksian Britney Spears sejak Tingkatan 2.

  •  Saya boleh hidup tanpa telefon bimbit. *Buang HP…

  •  Saya jarang bagitahu rahsia saya kepada sesiapa. Shhhh…

  •  Saya hampir ditendang keluar program matrikulasi.

  •  Saya selalu angan2 jadi orang kaya.

7 Perkara Menakutkan saya.

  •  Allah.

  •  Mati.

  •  Miskin.

  •  Kawan saya.

  •  Mati dalam umur terlampau tua.

  •  Lupa diri

  •  Gelap.

7 Lagu buat masa sekarang.

  • Menghapus Jejakmu- PeterPan

  • Always Be My Baby- David Cook.

  • Take a Bow- Leona Lewis

  • Here in My Home- Malaysian Artistes For Unity

  • Unparalleled (Wu Shuang) – Jay Chou

  • Bye-Bye- Mariah Carey

  • I Love You Anyways- Travis

7 Perkara yang saya Selalu Sebut

  • Allah

  • Adoi

  • Hampeh

  • Cilakak.

  • Haissyyy..

  • Weyy..

  • Jap.

7 Perkara yang Amat Bernilai

  •  Agama

  •  Mak & Abah

  •  Kawan Baik

  •  Kawan-Kawan

  •  MacBook ku

  •  Novel-Novel ku

  •  Rumah sewa ku (Kowt?!)

7 Pertama Kali dalam hidup saya

  •  Mencuba rokok daun arwah atukku. Tak letak tembakau pun.

  •  Lompat pagar waktu malam di MRSM Taiping. Seluarku koyak.

  •  Bercinta. Tuuuuuuutt.

  •  Pakai kain pelikat. Serius panas! (dan juga risau)

  •  Putus cinta.

  •  Gaduh dengan kawan baik. Sakit.

  •  Tindik telinga. Tobat takmau dah. :)


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The coolest effort ever to bridge up every ethnic and race in Malaysia! Hahaha! ;) Better than some politicians that just like a bunch of perching parrots on PM's shoulders..

click here to show your support!


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[Se7enReasonsOfWhyYouWould NotWantMeAsYourBoyfriend]

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First and foremost, “Thanks” to Jane/Ika for tagging me! (notice the apostrophes) … Hehehe. Ok here you go my, se7en deadly reasons!

Se7en Reasons of Why You Would Not Want Me as Your Boyfriend

1st reason: I watch Oprah and National Geographic Channel, not ESPN.

Don’t expect me to go cheer at the mamak stall at the wee hours for FIFA or EPL etc, etc. I don’t play soccer. I don’t even know how to play. And I don’t even bother to learn. Don’t blame me, blame the genes.

I’d rather spend hours watching Oprah or Supernatural or Lost or GossipGirl (Yes.) or other soap dramas on the TV. People say it’s abnormal, but I call it paranormal! It feels good to be different than the others.

I’m an alien.

2nd reason: I love, I talk, I smell Politics.

I Love Mahathir

I prefer Obama. *kick Hilary’s ass.

3rd reason: I don’t know if I love you.

After 3 failed relationships, I found out that I tend to make wrong decision and judgments about others. I came to a conclusion that true Love waits and Love often come when you’re less aware of it. 

4th reason: I’m always broke.

With RM100-RM150 per week, I afford not to pick up the tab for another person. Seriously. I don’t know where on earth the money went to, but one thing for sure is, I’m a cheapskate. That’s a confession, fella.

5th reason:  I often hurt the person I love the most.

Crystal clear ain’t it? No further explanation needed.

6th reason: I blog.

I won’t tell my problem to just anybody. My blog is my true Love. She hears and she responds. My staunch friend since a year ago, responsible in many chaos but still stand still for me! My blog is the only window to the heart of mine!

7th reason:  I’m a proud mommy’s boy.

That’s the ultimate reason I guess. Hahaha. 


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Sometimes, we often torture ourselves by searching things or people or memories that may go missing right before our naked eyes. We dawdled ourselves back to the route we’ve taken, the memories we had to search for something. Something we just don’t know the exact thing or feeling but deep inside we knew that it no longer visible on our radar or completely went missing. We lost it.

Sometimes, we decided to let things or people lost from our sight. No matter what the reasons are, losing, sometimes is the best way to forget, to get over, to restart, to renew, and contemplate ourselves.

Sometimes, no matter we search for it in every nook and cranny, we just can’t find it anymore. It’s like the lost things just disappear into the thin air.  Abracadabra. Just like that.

Sometimes, after the period of losing, we’d finally appreciate things or person better.  We found it.

Sometimes, we prefer to be in search of something. To keep on brazenly wandering, mystified and finding the way out might be duck soup. Sometimes we just Love it that way.

Lost and Found.  Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Sometimes I choose to be a Tweedledum. But sometimes being a Tweedledee feels a cut above.

It is ridiculous, but it is not a taradiddle. It’s not.

[Theory/Rule No.2: Don’t go pick up the pieces]

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Ok. This is indeed the hardest part. Relationship is like ornamental vase of the Tang dynasty (its just a parable, of course). Very valuable but fragile and we have to handle it with extra care. But once the vase is broken, don’t bother to cry a river over it. Maybe its Ok to cry a bit, but don’t just go mourn over it. The fact is, once the vase is broken, it will never could be mended. We might hurt ourselves with the broken glasses while picking and trying to mend it up. The prudent move is to get rid of the pieces and forget about it.

You have so many relationships to focus on; parent, friend, child(?), brother/sister, uncle/aunt, godparent, niece/nephew, atuk/nenek, cousin, etc. If you failed in a relationship, that doesn’t mean the sky is falling down.

Sometimes, I often being too focus in the broken relationship and deep-six the others. That’s what happened to me and I learnt so much from it. All I can do now is try to improve those relationships, iron out the problems, encourage others and spread a bit warmth and happiness as I go, and hey, you should do the same too! What could be finer?

[Theory/Rule No.1: Older but unnecessarily wiser]

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Yep. That’s me. I am getting older. Wait, we are getting older every minute, every day. I hate the assumption that since-you’re-older-so-you’re-wiser. I am 21 year old. I lead a carefree life, but still hold tight to my religion. I don’t do sex, drugs, drink etc. But sometimes I do commit mistakes in my everyday life. I hate people reminding me that I should do this and that since I’m getting older - maybe the right word is annoyed.

For me it’s OK for us to commit mistakes. We certainly will learn something from the mistakes that we commit. Yes, time heals and things will get better in times. Don’t put us under unbearable pressure just to fit in the perfect picture of the society. Commit mistakes and learn.

Mistakes are endless in everyone’s list of life. The more mistakes we commit, the more thing we learn in life. The older we get, the more areas we’ve covered to make mistakes in. No wonder our parents always got the right answers to every problem that we embraced. They commit them too.

The keywords are simple, hold tight to our religion, embrace life, don’t afraid to commit mistakes and most important point is learn from it. Yes, Learn!


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I’m working this out for the purpose of killing the boredom that keep on haunting me these days. I draw out a few theories and rules of my (notice the word, my) life to be posted on my blog. I am fueled by the Richard Templar’s bestselling book, my experiences, and not to forget by those people that revolve around me everyday.


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Agak lame rasenye tidak meluahkan kata-kata dalam blog aku ini. Hahahaha... Walaupun agak janggal berbahasa melayu didalam blog, sedangkan aku fasih berbahasa ibunda diluar sana. :) aku dalam proses menyiapkan dan ber'jenin' tentang apa yang akan berlaku disemester hadapan. Penat ku berfikir. Bila berfikir, pasti akan muncullah tanduk2 syaitan yang membuatkan aku rasa sedih dan marah dan apa2 lah lagi.

Angan2ku bukan kosong. Tidurku bukan tidak bermimpi. Aku cuma sedang dalam proses menggariskan beberapa peraturan untukku di semester hadapan. Supaya ku tidak lagi kecundang dalam permainan yang menyedihkan dan tidak ber'point' (pointless). Sudah siap peraturan pertamaku, kemungkinan aku akan poskan malam ini... Hehehe...

p/s: perlukah aku delete/padam pos ini? Hahahahahaha! Peace (Aman!)

[DearGod, I...]

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Dear God,

I know that I'm not being a good believer after all. After all the sins and misdemeanor that I commit. But hear me please.

They were my best friends. Some says best friends never end. But things went upside-down. It's like a paperback novel that has a beautiful start, but the ending still seem blur. Sometimes, I think that it would be better that I go and grab another book to read, or just throw the book that I've been reading into the trash, but I can't.

People says, its better for me to let go. To turn over a new leaf, but it ain't easy as they think. Believe me.

We listened to Linkin Park. We watched Supernatural. We do things that blood brothers would do. And I miss all the memories. I felt at ease to be someone like him. What he didn't see was me spiraling down; anxiety, depression, compulsion. He did ask me, but I will never tell him. and that was my biggest mistake. I pushed him away.

It's been almost a year, and I think things are going further from the right track. I meet new friends, I started to laugh again, but part of me still in a gloomy and dark place. And I somehow can't forget them for what we've been through.

Dear God,

Will things get better in time? I keep believing on it, but it seems not happening. The cut on us is getting deeper. The gulf that separating us getting wider. Will it gets better in time? Why did you make us such a complex beings? Why did you allow us to feel Love, hurt, pain and sorrow? Why do you watch us suffer? 

It's been too long.


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Another chapter is about to be closed, and obviously I hope everything will be much better by the next chapter. Our life is just like a really, really thick book. It goes chapter by chapter, and every chapter promise you different story and ends too. Yeah, we do.

For a friend, even though life's not been easy on us I hope you're proud for what we had. I hope when you look back on the time we had, you'll be proud. Separation is just another face of Love. Remember the times we laughed together, the times we believe that we can last forever. Whenever you remember.

Happy Holiday to you, me and everyone!

Be good and see you guys next semester!!


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Whoever says Friendship is easy has obviously never had a true friend

"If I had only one friend left, i'd want it to be you."


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Daydreaming is a wonderful thing. I daydream a lot lately, and I came out with this, my very own WishList. The holiday is coming and I've been thinking to work as a part-timer somewhere around Shah Alam. I really want to go back, but I think I will somehow die in boredom just after few days. Fyi, I'm looking forward to go to 7e's open-interview next Tuesday. Geez, I hope Acad and me will be hired.

Here goes by WishList:

#1: a Lomo camera

  • Colorsplash Camera (USD78.19/RM250.20) or Diana F+ (USD52.12/RM166.80) or Holga Pinhole Camera (USD46.78/RM 149.69).

  • BuyingPossibility: 3/5

  • I really adore these cameras. I do. and I know that I have to sweat for it! My friend, Izza wants it too! Hahaha. I've been 'Google'-ing the price of this toys and I will be looking for it in stores next month. I think.

#2: Crocs' "Off-Road"

  • Crocs' "Off-Road" - RM 169

  • BuyingPossiblity: 3/5

  • I just want a Crocs and 'off-road' is the coolest species of Crocs. It's hideously cool and hey, I can add Jibbitz on it too! Cool! I'm so gonna grab a pair!

#3: iPod nano

  • iPod nano - RM 620

  • BuyingPossibilty: 0.9/5

  • Hahahaha! She's indeed the sexiest kind of mp3 on earth. and of course, sexy comes with a friggin' high price too! It's almost impossible for me to have this year.

#4: iPhone

  • iPhone- RM 2000

  • BuyingPossibilty: 0.01/5

  • Geezz... Another sexiest creature by iGod. Hahahaha. This is my subject of desire since the first time I laid my eyes on it. The most perfect, sexy phone I've ever seen. Seriously. She's my liquid dream! lol! If I have a steady job, I will hunt for it for sure!

Conclusion: I need MONEY! Ka-ching!


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Yeah! Just another 2 more exam papers to go, and we are ready to hit the ROAD!

(Yes, at the wee hours! 5 a.m!)

