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I Love the way you say good morning and steal the pillow and blanket from me. Just so you know, you are the simple reason that makes me happy, a reason for me to drag myself out from bed and step on the icy cold floor. You hate me for waking up late in the afternoon, "morning is a rare blessing for the ones who seek for it" you said. Brush my teeth. Run downstairs. Lo and behold, the breakfast is ready. By the time I enjoying my coffee and bread, you already outside of the house, doing chores that you've been doing for years. No complaints. No help needed. No a frown of anger. It's just a pure bliss for you, doing ordinary things that make yourself so extraordinary in my eyes, for you are my greatest mom.

Oh. Homesickness.


Tatie Sharil said...

significant gambar?

Moja Amin said...


route to my home!

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