Today I went out to Bukit Raja together with Val and Fifi. Watched Jay Chou's "Kung Fu Dunk". It is indeed another great movie starred by Jay. Ok, enough with the digression, lets move on to mr. Arrogant's story. Case 1. First semester 2007. Farah: Moja, smile a little bit more. You know what, girls complaining to me that you are very arrogant/sombong (Owh, that word hurts!) Me: Me? Sombong? Are they nuts? I smiled a lot! Farah: Yeah, to those people you know je. Me: So? Should I smile all along the faculty's corridor? <Awkward silent> The 'discussion' about this went on and on, verbal and also through SMSes. Farah: You smile to those who really close to you only. You're so picky/memilih (again, Malay words hurt my soul!) to even give your smile to people. They said laa.. Me: Gee. Picky? Memilih? God. Kill me. Case 2: Second semester 2008. Few hours ago. Val: Moja, my friend said that you are so sombong. Me: Sombong? Not again. Who? Why? Val: You didn't eve smile to your juniors when you bump into them. Me: So? I met so many people everyday. I can't remember all the faces of my junior! Val: Senyum tu kan sedekah. Me: (What a severe jolt!) Hmm...If they know me, they should laa say 'Hi' to me first. Why people think I'm so puffed up with conceit? I'm not! Val: Moja, you are so well-known by your juniors. Of course laa, You and Mamoo are the one who scolded and shouted at us back in Malacca last year (*That's another story, people) . So, people know and recognize you. So you should smile a bit more. Me: Owh. Did I? Hmm... Val: I keep telling them that you are not, they will end up saying. "Of course Val, he's not that way to you, for sure" Me: *Duh. Conclusion I am the victim of overgeneralization, skepticism. TQ.
Mood of the Day: Lighthearted Homeboy Song of the Day: Zhou Xian Da by Jay Chou
haiya ni.....
do u have to put this story here???
kalo ye p0n change la my name tu to other name....
Hahahaha...Nobody will know. My little world here. :)
like no one really read your blog...
x per la ye... tumpang feymes jap...
i used to get the "sombong" complaints too..
juz cuz i speak english.. so shallow of them..
but in the end it's me who they came looking for to "improve" their english..
told ya.. Judging is the 'sickest' thing ppl do everyday. Knowing that their judgment is completely wrong and baseles, just don't give a damn. I won't change the way I am ust because a small bunch of lusy ppl try to irritate me. Right? :P *hugs*
couldn't agree more..
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